School education taught about bees; the cute, busy yellow and black bees, often portrayed in cartoons but with a nasty sting. However, did you know that there are stingless bees? They look nothing like bees and more like mosquitoes but they are the cutest, tiniest creatures ever.

Over 600 species of stingless bees are worldwide, 46 species in Mexico, and 16 species of the Mayan bees or Melipona bees, which are native to Yucatan, Mexico. These charming bees are self-sufficient, thriving on basics, such as shelter, pollen, nectar, and water. They are sensitive to abrupt climate changes and noise and usually only live 40 days. These cute bees might be stingless, but they will bite if their hive is threatened.
The Mayan Bees do not build a hive like the ‘common’ bee. They build their hive called a Jobon in specific trees in the hollow trunk. The honey is produced and stored in tiny storage pots. Harvesting the honey is a very delicate procedure using a syringe to extract the honey from the pots. The honey from the amazing little creatures tastes far superior than any honey I’ve ever tasted and it has incredible medicinal value.

Like all bee colonies, certain bees have specific roles. The protector of the Jobon is the cutest protecting the hive with all his might – so cute.

A visit to the Mayan Bee Sanctuary in Cozumel will enlighten and fascinate every visitor. Guided tours with their expert knowledge are advised to fully grasp the natural wonder of these adorable bees.