Gathering of the Saints

When we got back from Montanita we went over to our host, Mary’s house.

Here we shared what we hope God is guiding us toward, we prayed and took communion. We ask for prayers that we may do what God is guiding us toward. The more we speak with Mary the more the realization is, that this what God has been leading us to over the last year. There is such a need for a church here in this quaint little town of Puerto Cayo and we have met so many expats that are Christians who have wandered off the path just a little.  It has also been realized that there are many Christian locals too that need to find their way back to God’s church.

The first day of a new beginning in God’s church in Puerto Cayo. Ali Mary and I.


On Monday 30th November Mary invited me to her house for a prayer meeting. Two other expats, Theresa and Barbs joined us. First we got to know each other a little – actually they got to know about me, the new comer and they were genuinely fascinated at our journey to get here. How God put into place the timing and the means. We then each prayed for whatever we felt was on our hearts to do so. I was so encourage to hear their prayers for our further plans and journey but mostly to know their desire to find God’s church grow in Puerto Cayo.

Later in the day we had the chance to chat to Ed. He is another home owner here in Las Palmas. The first thing he said to us was “So I hear you also in the church of Christ”. We stood in the entrance of Las Palmas just outside our cozy cottage and spoke for ages about our Christian lives and again we are amazed at how God is using all of us to restore His church at all corners of the earth.

Thank you for reading my posts, I absolutely love sharing our journey with you. 

God bless you all always.

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