It is always gratifying to receive fabulous and positive reviews but when the reader sends you a video clip simply because she is so touched by the story; well, I am overwhelmed by her emotions.
Betty also wrote a review on Facebook;
“Esta es una obra maestra, cargada de un mar de emociones contada a través de un personaje maravilloso, sin duda se convierte en uno de los favoritos, estoy tan orgullosa de poder contar con la amistad de esta increíble escritora Aileen Friedman-Naude’ you are so talented, thank you for sharing your creativity and friendship with me, ❤❤❤❤”
“This is a masterpiece, loaded with a sea of emotions told through a wonderful character, no doubt becomes one of the favorites, I am so proud to have the friendship of this amazing writer Aileen Friedman-Naude’ you are so Talented, thank you for sharing your creativity and friendship with me, ❤❤❤”